Reselets Village, where project attractions are located, is a natural tourist center of Cherven Bryag Municipality. In addition to historical artifacts, the region is rich in natural sites (cultural and historical sites, caves, rock formations, etc.) which make it one of the most beautiful villages in the municipality.

The Project goal is the development of the leading tourist attraction - “Kaleto Tectonic Ridge” and the associated site “Reseleshki Kukli” united in an integrated tourist route, for utilization of the potential of Cherven Bryag Municipality and Reselets Village regions as attractive destinations of sustainable eco-tourism.

The Project is fully consistent with the priorities of Cherven Bryag Municipality, the key one being the development of alternative tourisms (ecological, rural, cultural, religious, etc.). The precondition for this is the huge number of natural and cultural-historical phenomena on municipal territory. Project implementation will contribute also to a more uniform distribution of tourism benefits on a national scale since it envisages investment in, and promotion of, attractions in a region where the rich tourist potential is not sufficiently publicized or utilized.

All planned investment measures on the territories of the natural sites are fully consistent with the requirements of environment and biodiversity preservation law, since these are part of the EU-wide network of nature protection areas NATURA 2000.

Target groups
- the population of Reselets Village
- visitors of project attractions (“Kaleto Tectonic Ridge” and “Reseleshki Kukli”)
- representatives of local tourist business in Reselets Village and the town of Cherven Bryag.
- traditional visitors – students of vocational high schools and universities.

The Project „Development of Tourist Attraction “Kaleto Tectonic Ridge” is directed towards development of natural and cultural –historical attractions located in Reselets Village region as a measure for the promotion of tourism in Cherven Bryag Municipality. Tourist attractions and target groups have been selected in consideration of site potential and development opportunities as a competitive tourist destination.

- Construction of pedestrian-vehicle alley (tourist path) Reseleshki Kukli – Kaleto Tectonic Ridge- 1031,28 m. This path is part of the route around the two natural sights, Kaleto Tectonic Ridge and Reseleshki Kukli. It is located in the section connecting the two sights and provides access to Reseleshki Kukli rock formation;
-Construction and installation works for improvement of, and access to, Kaleto Tectonic Ridge and Reseleshki Kukli attractions including construction of additional small-scale infrastructure: natural rest and recreation zones, installation of reinforced railing on the viewing platform, 2 pedestrian bridges over Rachene River, 280 wooden steps, installation of 10 information signs, 4 external eco-toilets, 20 wooden litter boxes, 6 wooden alcoves, 2 wooden sheds, 6 picnic tables, 26 wooden benches;

-Repair works for the Tourist Information Center;
-Installation of autonomous lighting system in the area of the attraction;
-Equipment and furnishing of the Tourist Information Center, including delivery of Tourist Information System;
-Equipment of tourist attraction with high tech Full HD panoramic camera allowing rotation at 180 degrees. The camera will allow real-time viewing of the entire attraction worldwide via an interactive internet portal included in the project plan. The equipment will include also a special camera with software providing virtual stroll in the canyon via the tourist information system: (Link to camera 1) , (Link to camera 2)

Training of experts in the field of tourism.

Total project cost: BGN 958 245.58
Duration: 12 months

This document was created within the frame of Contract ¹ BG161PO001/3.1-03/2010/044 „Development of Tourist Attraction “Kaleto Tectonic Ridge” under grant scheme BG161PO001/3.1-03/2010, “Enhancement of the development of nature, cultural and historic attractions”, êwhich is implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, co-funded by the European Union via the European Regional Development Fund. Cherven Bryag Municipality is solely responsible for this publication and in no circumstances whatsoever this document can be construed as reflecting the official opinion of the European Union or the Steering Body. Cherven Bryag Municipality, Pleven District, Cherven Bryag, Antim I St., zip code 5980, tel.. + 359 659 927 08, fax + 359 659 923 51, website:, å-mail: